
Couples Counseling | St. Louis Marriage Therapy LLC

St. Louis Marriage Therapy also works with unmarried couples who are struggling with their relationship. Couples counseling is an option for couples who are in long term relationships and want to work out their differences. The goals of couples counseling vary based on each individual's needs. Typical issues covered include desire and intimacy, sexual problems, division of household duties, parenting/co-parenting issues, financial differences, divorce grief, and blended family issues.  We are also experienced at working with cohabiting couples, life partnerships, and those who choose consciously to remain unmarried.

St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC is respectful of all relationship styles as long as they are among consenting adults. We are kink-aware professionals, LGBTQIA+ supportive, and experienced in offering help with the consensual non-monogamy community.

Your romantic relationship is an integral part of your overall health and well being. At St. Louis Marriage Therapy, LLC, we strive to help couples communicate to understand one another. Instead of fighting to win, couples learn how to fight for connection.

Couples will learn how to put genuine effort into their relationship by cultivating romance, learning to flirt authentically, finding shared hobbies/interests, and making each other a priority.

Couples will also learn how to address conflict directly and respectfully. Often sessions focus on "how" couples can handle conflict in a more productive manner. Couples will have opportunities to talk through specific issues in therapy. However, the main focus is on giving couples the tools to address various conflicts on their own. Essentially couples will learn a better process for addressing their problems and developing workable solutions.


Couples Counseling

Relationships are hard work, but many times no one tells you the kind of work you need to do to keep it strong and healthy. Couples need to communicate directly in a healthy and respectful way in order to continue to stay together.

Every time you have a fight and you walk away feeling unheard or misunderstood, you build a small resentment in the relationship. Ever heard the phrase death by a thousand cuts? Every unresolved conflict is a small cut to your relationship health.

The work of your relationship is learning to resolve your issues in a kind and caring way. It involves understanding each other's needs deeply and coming up with win/win solutions to your problems.


Couples need to learn how to resolve conflict with fairness and love. You aren't trying to prove your partner wrong. You are trying to understand what's important to them. You are trying get them at a deeper level. You are cultivating appreciation for their unique way of looking at the world.

Couples counseling will help you understand your partner, improve the quality of time you spend together, and improve your romantic relationship. Please submit a contact form at the contact page to schedule an appointment.

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