

Pick and Choose Your Battles

In this video, Angela Skurtu, Licensed Marriage Therapist and Sex Therapist discusses how couples can pick and choose their battles. Are you the type of person that rarely picks any battles and then gets angry about a lot of conflict at once? Then, this video is for you. It is important to address conflict at times. Conflict in relationships is a healthy part of understanding each other’s needs.

With this being said, conflicts should NOT be battles in relationships. In healthy relationships, a conflict is a discussion about wants and needs. It is a negotiation to figure out what is the best way to support each other. Couples who regularly go to battle in order for their needs and wants to be heard, tend to be very unhappy in their relationships. I think the better way to state this would be, “choose your complaints wisely and be willing to listen when your partner needs your help.” Check out the video for more information.

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